WordPress Careers plugin

wpCareers (JobPortal Project) is a WordPress plugin

The plugin allows you to build an online jobs/resume website, where the applicants will be able to search, update, add/remove, and add or edit their resumes/profiles.

In addition, user can also add/delete/change descriptions, upload images/photos.

* In Admin Area the administrator will be able to:
* View and manage records in terms of add/modify/remove of entries
* Approve or deny the posts.
* Inactive Applicants Convert to Active
* Delete Users profile, Delete Employer profiles

It is a complete ready to use as Job Board System


We strongly recommend  you using themes that the front page will be displayed in one column otherwise you use our theme wpcareers.

jPortal WordPress Theme

jPortal Theme

Some themes, which are already modified to use for wpcareer plugin, placed below for downloading:


Accordion LiteRed City


Some themes, which are arleady modifie by me to use in wpcareer plugin, are available HERE!

This plugin is under active development. If you experience problems, please first make sure you have installed the latest version. Feature requests, bug reports and comments can be submitted [here]

1) Click here to download the wpCareers last release

Installing the plugin

Please test the plugin with your theme on a develop machine or a local machine, if the test is successful then install it on the production machine.

1. Extract files
2. Upload ‘wpcareers/’ folder to your ‘./wp-content/plugins/’ directory
3. Login to the administration and go to “admin panel/plugins” and activate the plugin
4. Go to the “Manage” tab of your WP.

You have now there a new tab called “wpcareers” to configure the plugin.
You will need to make the following folders writeable (chmod 777) :

– wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/templates_c
– wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/cache

Add a public directory and upload the resume and images resources (the public folder must have write permission)

– wp-content/public/wpcareers/resume
– wp-content/public/wpcareers/public



Demo link:


Questions and Examples of Use

Frequently Asked Questions



Jan 18, 2010 – Released v1.1
– fixed for plugin auto-upgrade

72 Comments on “WordPress Careers plugin

  1. Hi Thanks for that we seem to be getting closer, I now can see the tabs on the left 5 in total wpCareers settings,structure, posts and utilities.

    All pages show but I have two errors when I click on the settings & options at the top of the page I get this error message”You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

    And when I am on the settings page and click update I get the following errorFatal error: Call to a member function process_option_settings() on a non-object in /home/fhlinux128/j/jobs.international-welder.com/user/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/admin/jp_admin.php on line 29

    Also I am guessing there should be some page for setting prices

    Thank for your reply ;)
    Did you update on the jp_admin file?

    in line 15 and 29 changed the value of $wpcarerr to $wpcareers
    Or You can download the plugin again and replace the jp_admin.php file, I hope it’is fixed now.

    The permissions problem will be disappear if the plugin successfully installed.

  2. Hi There I just thought I would post here as I sent you a couple of emails and have not recieved a response, I just thought it may have droped into a spam folder hence no reply


  3. This plugin has great potential but has too many bugs to be in the wordpress plugin repository. The plugin’s update is not installing and it is also causing the wordpress administrator’s login to redirect and not allow access to the wordpress dashboard.

    bugfix release 1.0.1
    Note: This bugfix release hove to install Manually.
    – fixed for the plugin auto-upgrade. (must test with the next coming version)
    – moved directories public resources to wp-content
    – fixed some bugs in administrator’s interface (redirect, brocken links …)
    – the dashboard will show only for users with rolle >1

  4. Is there a way I can have jobs wanted for jobseekers where employers can seek them especially if for freelance work.

  5. Nic Plug in. Just found it. Will be using in my site. Not yet used.
    I have 2 questions.
    1) Is there a option where by only paid / registered users can only view the resume data bank.
    2) Is the format of posting the resume flexible. I mean can we add delete the information to be submitted on the resumes.
    Thanks and wish you a good luck.

  6. Hello
    I have installed this very interesting plugin. On the register form page, the image of the captcha doesn’t appear. I checked my installation, I installed the plugin several times on several free websites hoster, and also as a local installation. Then I looked there http://www.wpcareers.com/wp-register.php, and on this register form page, there is also no captcha appearing, instead of the captcha image “ConfirmCode” image. I tried to proceed without digitating any confirmation code, as no confirmation code appeared, and it didn’t work.

    Support your php the FreeType? check with echo phpinfo();
    did you create the both public directories with the correct write permission for all.

    I also used the settings form of the plugin, selecting and un-selecting the “Show the confirmation code”.

    Good point, test & fix the source for un-selecting confirmation code?

    How is it possible to fix this problem? by adding a WP “register” plugin, and if yes, which one (there are several such plugins), or is there only a “bug”, or something Ihave done wrongly.
    Thanks for the help. Danke für Ihre Hilfe.

  7. Hello, Thanks for the great plugin! I’ve been waiting a long time for such a plugin. There is only one thing that is bugging me about it, it’s the fact that I can’t wrap my images around the text unless I’m doing something wrong?
    Also how can I override the “j_remove_weblink” option so as to be able to add a link within the job description on my Beachfront Jobs site?

    Thanking you in advance,

    Daniel D. Roy

  8. Hello,
    Best plugin in a while! Is there an option to make posting jobs no free. Or could I add a paypal button on an charge for job postings?
    Forgot to say that I’ve actually your theme as well as odlinks, and everything works great.


  9. Hi!

    I installed your plugin and tested intensively. It’s very good and has a lot of potential, but on production on a real website I run into some problems. Please do not stop develop and improve it – this plugin could be a huge success!

    Can you help me with the follow tasks?

    1) How can I display on the plugin page templates the actual category? I mean if I select a job I want to also see the category in which the job appeared. Also if there is no job, it will be nice to display a categories list or something – no just “no jobs” error message. I’m thinking of some breadcrumb feature to be able to move quickly thru categories.

    2) When I click on a main category it will not display any job even if I have in a subcategory jobs. How can I correct this?

    3) When I post a new job all the categories and subcategories are display in the same way – I mean there is no difference between a category and a subcategory. How can I make the difference? (The user first selects a main category then a subcategory maybe or different appearance using CSS in the select form?)

    I really hope you respond to this message and offer proper support. If you find it more appropriate I will gladly pay you for these features if you decide to contact me.

  10. Hi again!

    I just found this bug: When you try to make a search after a job name (already in database) you will obtain this:
    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in …wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_search.php on line 51

    This bug also appear on your demo websites.

  11. Hi Teos, thanks for your kind comments. I will solve the problem and fix it in next version as soon as possible.
    Thank you again for your feedback.
    Best regards

  12. Hi there,

    I’m trying to configure the plugin, but i’m getting a error when submitting a new resume. I mean, everything goes well, i receive the confirmation email, but when I go to the backend of the site to approve the new resume, there is nothing to aprove….

    Another thing, when i check “Resume Categories”, in the number of links, it only apears (), without any link inside. In the “Jobs Categories”, even the categories without any post inside, it apears as (0). May this have something to dowith the problem?

    Do you have any clue of what to do? Thank you very much for your help!


  13. Hi, saw your plugin and it works great on the sample sites. However, I tried installing on WP 2.9.2 and I get the following error. Do you think I’m doing anything wrong? I tried to follow the instructions step by step and use 777 for the file attributes.

    Warning: require_once(/home/caerberu/public_html/workfromhomephilippines/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/include/jp_captcha.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/caerberu/public_html/workfromhomephilippines/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_control.php on line 56

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/caerberu/public_html/workfromhomephilippines/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/include/jp_captcha.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/caerberu/public_html/workfromhomephilippines/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_control.php on line 56

  14. Hi guys,
    yesterday, the upload in SVN was not completely done. therefore might be the files were incomplete !!
    Currently i check the files in the svn/trunk. You, Please download it and test


  15. Thanks for your feedback.
    Fixed the problem now
    Please download the plugin and replace the jp_functions.php file form include directory

    Best regards,

  16. I just installed this plugin and cannot get it to work.  I have checked the database to make sure the tables exist, but I am getting the following error:

    [24-Jun-2010 04:10:13] WordPress database error Table ‘wp_wpj_resume’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT count(*) FROM wp_wpj_resume WHERE rc_id=13 made by require, require_once, include, the_content, apply_filters, call_user_func_array, wpcareers_page_handle_content, wpcareers_process, wpcareers_display_index, wpcareers_list_res_categories

  17. OK, the resume table did not created with the rest of them, but wp_wpj_created_resumes did.  Is that just a typo in the installation?

  18. Hi,
    I have installed this plugin but it is not working properly. I would like to make sure it is operational.

  19. This is the start of an excellent plugin but it does have some serious problems / bugs.  The major one is that the wp_wpj_resume database is not created at install. 

    Line: 492 in jp_admin_setup.php update and replace r_status int(3) NOT NULL default 0,

    There is some error.  I had to create the database from scratch.  Took me a while to figure that one out.

    You can see what I have done with your theme and plugin at: http://www.dcspotlight.com/jobhunters/welcome/

    Wow i like it ;)

    This is part of an online newspaper which you can see here:  http://www.dcspotlight.com/

    This plugin is exactly what my client was looking for, but the bugs caused me many headaches.

    I see some serious money making potential with this if you added a PayPal function and cleaned up the english.  I would like to discuss this more with you.  Please contact me if you are interested in taking this to the next level.


  20. I am unable to login to my regular wp-admin when I installed the wpcareers plug-in Please help me in this. I want to place this as a additional link to my regular blog. thanks in advance…….

    select the wpcareers_utilities from the menu in admin interface
    Uninstall and remove it completely.
    The plugin is for a standalone instance of WordPress.
  21. Trying to activate this and getting this fatal error message:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘&’, expecting T_VARIABLE or ‘$’ in /home/content/b/h/a/bhavaniv/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/admin/jp_admin_utilities.php on line 101

    Any Help???

  22. Hello!

    This is a great plugin. I installed it about 6 months ago on my site http://career.indianscholars.net/ it is working fine.
    But today I installed on a new site I am facing a funny problem! When I click on the Job Portal Page, I see  everything normal as it should be. But if I click it again or refresh it, all the categories disapper! They onec again re-appear if i clear the browser catch in my firefox. and disappear again if I click on more time. Not able to understand what is this!

    This problem is not there in the old install.

    see here: The normal site

    see here the abnormal site:

    Please help!

    Dr S. K. Verma

  23. Hello! I have been working since last 2-3 hrs on the issue that I posted above. I have the following abservations, these can help someone to resolve the prolem:

    1.  The version of plugin that was installed on old site was version 1.1-a. It was working fine in terms of above problem.

    2. Current version of plugin is 1.1.1-c. Problem is in this version. I can say this since after I upgraded the plugin on the old installed, on this site also it is behaving in the same way i.e. problem of cache.

    3. The problem of ‘cache’ Vs Job listing page is only in firefox and not in internet explorer.

    4. This problem can be seen only if the user in logged in. ONce you log out, everything appears as normal on the job listing page.

    5. My conclusion is:

    “That in the version 1.1.1-c of wpcareers plugin, once the user is logged in on the site, he can not see job listing page properly in firefox, however page looks normal in internet explorer. In order to see the job listing page, the user has to  clear the cache in firefox. This also aloow the page to be seen only once, if the page is refreshed, the listings disappear again. It sems that there is some incompatability in version 1.1.1-c and firefox in terms of cache management.

    Dr S. K. Verma

  24. Hi, love the plugin. I have two questions

    The add new  link form is too large for my theme, how can I change the size. I tried hunting around the PHP and CSS but couldn’t seem to find the right setting.

    For a future version I wondered if it would be possible for the page to become a sub page. On my site it doesn’t really fit in as top level page.

    Thanks again.

  25. Hello,

    I start my jobs site and of course i install your plugin. But i have 2 messages after the installation : 

    –  the first one is a warning at the top of the page : Warning: Missing argument 3 for wp_register_sidebar_widget(), called in /homez.424/profilsf/www/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/admin/jp_admin_setup.php on line 713 and defined in /homez.424/profilsf/www/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 603

    – the second one is an error :
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare array_sort_by_fields() (previously declared in /homez.424/profilsf/www/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php:175) in /homez.424/profilsf/www/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php on line 175

    Can you help me to solve this problems?

    Thanks a lot in advance.


  26. Hello Cina,

    I am trying to make use of this plugin formonths and could not able to solve a problem with the error :
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare array_sort_by_fields() (previously declared in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php:175) in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php on line 175
    I have tried the plugin on WordPress version 3.0  and now on 3.1.2 version. I don’t understand how to replicate it. Could any body help me ?

    @Dr. K.S. Sharma and others
    This is a great plugin and there were many good reviews when it first released. But slowly it got negative comments as there is no responses for the support requests both on WordPress official forum and elsewhere. It is appreciated if the users who are aware of the errors could help us .
    Thanks !

    Es exists a conflict with other plugins or WordPress functions:

    Please: editing the file jp_main.php in line 175 and 186 and renaming the function “array_sort_by_fields(…)”
    to “jp_array_sort_by_fields”

    The modifies has been committed to svn now.

  27. I got the same error even after editing the code. But on different line

    can you please help me further?

    Thanks !

  28. hi, I’m test plugin, it’s possible change language to spanis ..? can you tell me about this .mo files ..


  29. hello again
    because I installed twice and the plugins installed as version 1.1.2-a
    is installed in the tools section and the bottom of the sidebar


  30. Hello, I get this error!

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jp_array_sort_by_fields() (previously declared in /home2/hnaruak/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php:175) in /home2/hnaruak/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php on line 175

  31. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jp_array_sort_by_fields() (previously declared in /home/ejajpur/public_html/jobs/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php:175) in /home/ejajpur/public_html/jobs/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php on line175

  32. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare array_sort_by_fields() (previously declared in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php:175) in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpcareers/jp_main.php on line 175

    I changed the following:
    Please: editing the file jp_main.php in line 175 renaming the function “jp_array_sort_by_fields”
    to “jp1_array_sort_by_fields” & line 186 renaming the function “jp_array_sort_by_fields”
    to “jp2_array_sort_by_fields”

  33. Hi, I just install and the RESUMEN PSOT not works, when I add the Categoires in the side of the ADMIN, I see , no number in the ITEM COUNT, like in Jobs I see  zero, but in resumen just () do you knwo were do I have to check ?

  34. Hi; I check this again and again, the POST RESUME not works, in ADMIN, I see no count of the links, and when I post, its show that it posting , but no data enter in DB .. so.. there no count for Resumes, can you please check , if I send you my Link, thank you 

  35. OK , I find the solution, those who get problem on RESUME POST , wich not working , the solution is to reinstall in MYSQL the table for the resumesn, when you try to install from WP admin, for some reason its jump, I think there some sintax error

  36. I have tried installing, reinstalling the plugin, but it does not create the database tables. Any thoughts?

  37. I was wondering if you could give me any tips to adding an Address field to the employers Job Post? I also need to make it mandatory for them to fill in the Phone Number and Address. Also, is there anyway to be about to connect the job postings to facebook? I have my other post connected to facebook and would like to connect the employers job listings as well. 

    I am very new to Word Press and not so familiar with the coding aspect. But if you give me a code and where I need to plug in it, I can probualy figure it out.

    By the way Thank You for the get tool. I use it with my employers and my students to get them connected.

    I look forward to hearing from you,
    Wendi Habbinga

    That’s a good idea. I will check it. Thank you very much for your feedback ;)
    M. Forgani

  38. Love the plugin and think it will do quite nicely for my intended purpose.  However when installing on WP 3.3.1 with Buddy Press 1.5.4, after installing and configuring the plugin, unable to login to wp with existing user accounts – admin account and others. 

    Is there a way to possibly make it work??


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