WordPress ODLinks Plugin

WordPress ODLinks Plugin Guide & Instructions

Open Directory Links (Website Directory Project) is a WordPress plugin.
ODLinks 1.4.3-a is now available.

last changes (May 2018)

last changes (15.03.2013 about: 15:00 GMT)
To display the latest xx ads in the sidebar,
you copy the following code and place it anywhere else in the sidebar.
<?php lastODLinksSidebar(8) ?>

last changes  (Today 07.03.2013 about: 15:00 GMT)
– implemented the page navigation functionality
– updated to uses the thumbshots.ru for the Website screenshots
The update fixes website’s search function. [not important!]
Save your local changes (you have any) and unzip the file and overwrite existing directories and files.


The plugin can help you to start a profitable website directory which is the same as the DMOZ.org directory.This plugin is under active development. If you experience problems, please first make sure you have installed the latest version. Feature requests, bug reports and comments can be submitted [here]
1) Click here to download the odlinks plugin last release

Installing the plugin:

1. Unzip the downloaded file and upload the odlinks folder to your WordPress plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/)
2. Log into your WordPress admin panel
3. So go ahead and activate the ODLINKS plugin, which should appear in the list of installed plug-ins.
4. “ODLinks” will now be displayed in your admin panel.
5. For first step instructions, go to Options “Settings”

You will need to make the Smarty cache and template_c folders writable (chmod 777):
Use your FTP client to change its permissions to 777.
* odlinks/includes/Smarty/cache
* odlinks/includes/Smarty/templates_c

Once you have changed the folder permissions, return to your browser, and refresh it.
Now you can submit your settings. After submission, installer process will create the tables automatically.

For your information, after submitting the settings a new page will be created with the title [[odlinks]](in upper letters) .
This title will be also added to the content of pages automatically.
Do NOT remove the page. The plugin work correctly with this page ID.
Please, you should keep the default title[[odlinks]] (in upper letters) of page to make it to work…

To uninstall and deactivate the plugin, please go to Options “uninstall” under ODLinks menu.

6. Creating/Editing a category and subcategory
– Before deploying, you should create and set-up the categories and subcategories for your Website.
– Go aheead and choose “Categories” from the ODLinks drop down menu and insert the category name and category description and then submit it.
– You can insert the subcategories by clicking on ‘Add Category’ and choosing any category name from the list in parent category. If you select root as parent category, then you create a main category.
– Create a subcategory is mandatory and required!

Depending on the “Permalink Settings” it’s possible for some pages that the categories urls are not accessible.
To fix this problem you should go to update the .htaccess file which is exised under wordpress top directory.

Normaly if you click on categories you will get something like this:

If insteaed of the “/odlinks/” somthing elses is placed for example “/97-revision-v1/”
you can upadte your the .htaccess file as follows:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteRule ^97-revision-v1/?([^/]*)?/?(.*)$ /index.php?pagename=odlinks=$1=$2 [QSA,L,R,NS]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

How can we display the latest xx ads in the sidebar?

You copy the following code and place it anywhere in the sidebar.php located in active theme folder.
<?php lastODLinksSidebar(8) ?>


This guide will show you the step by step process for first installation/configuring



Test ODLinks (Open Directory Links)   OR  odlinks.com

Questions and Examples of Use

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why the main site gives me the 404 or Not Found error message or I cannot see the “Submitt a link”?

This usually occurs only when using a custom permalink structure (like /%category%/%postname%/).
This is a .htaccess 404 error message and you should update your .htaccess file in the WP root directory.

Normally you should not edit the htaccess, the Permalink link will be detect by plugin automatically.

Please install the CURL module for PHP.


179 Comments on “WordPress ODLinks Plugin

  1. Hi, Your directory plugin looks promising. I just encountered an error which also holds true on your demo site. I got this error ” The confirmation code didn’t matched.”  if I email link to a friend.

    Thanks for the report
    I just uploaded a new bugfix release 1.3.0-d for issue

  2. dont tryon wordpress multisites unless you have at least three degrees in computeing 3 hours and still nothing!!!

  3. Hi.
    Nice plugin, but I don’t get this to work. Submit link don’t show. .htaccess-procedure didn’t do it, except from messing up the site and some 404’s. Any chance of advice on this?

  4. @doudou, sorry

    Please open the file “plugins/odlinks/themes/default/header.tpl” in an editor
    add the following code to the end of the file:
    {if ($addurl_link)}
    <h3><span class=’odl_head_addurl’><img src=”{$odl_images}/images/addtopic.jpg”>{$addurl_link}</span></h3>
    {include file=’searching.tpl’}
    I will update and fix the file and check in to the svn now.
    or you can rename the directory “mySkin” to “default”

  5. Bonjour,
    Est-il possible de renommer la page “odlinks”, j’aimerais qu’elle ait un autre nom (“annuaire” par exemple) nettement mieux pour le référencement et donner une côté plus pro à notre site.
    Quelle serait la procédure à suivre ?
    Merci d’avance
    Co-fondateur et Admin

  6. Great Plugin!!!

    There is a problem with the rss feed  it wont point to the category where de link is listed. Is there a solution?

  7. Is it somehow possible, which a Link can be registered in different categories? I would like to make it in such a way with me, which a Link in up to three categories can be listed

  8. Is it somehow possible, which a Link can be registered in different categories? I would like to make it in such a way with me, which a Link in up to three categories can be listed

  9. @atomjani:
    Does your answer to my question refer?

    Then your answer is exactly what I would like. Only as I reach that? My Permalink structure already is domain/%postname%/ What do I have to change?

  10. installed the plugin, and saved the settings, cache directories are writable, when I add a category, message comes up to say it was added succesfully, but it has not been added and still does not exist, do you have any ideas?

    many thanks

  11. Hi,

    Is it possible to allow user to add an image corresponding to the links they add?
    odlinks version : 1.3.0-d
    WP version : 3.3.1

    Thanks for your reply and for this very good plugin !



  12. How to enable images?
    I see no option to add images?
    Also how would you make the links do follow.


  13. Please.. error 404, why doesn’ work for me?
    I’ve add  #RewriteRule . /index.php [L]RewriteRule !^(classified|odlinks)/ /index.php [L]RewriteRule odlinks/([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/? /index.php?pagename=odlinks [QSA,L,R,NS] in .htaccess file

  14. Hi all, I have installed the ODLinks plugin and it’s great. I have one quesiton. IS THERE A WAY HOW TO CHANGE PERMALINKS??? I want the name of my categories to be in URL. I would be very thankfull to anyone that provides me with any piece of information about changing the URL or the links.

    Thank you very much, yours, Mare

    Hi, Sorry, It’s not supported in this version, but we will be releasing a new version which support a lot more easy options with in few weeks (hope), thank you for your patience,

  15. Hello, how are you doing?

    I am currently designing a WordPress Blog on a Local server ‘ XAMPP ‘, I have added your ‘ ODLinks ‘, but I have one problem.

    How can I remove the ‘ ODLinks>>-UrbanZone ‘ from the top left ‘ Tab ‘ of page?

  16. Hi,

    I’m having problem with getting error/warning

    Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to toolbarqueries.google.com:80 (Permission denied) in /home/www/freelinkdir.org/wp-content/plugins/odlinks/includes/pagerank.php on line 86
    Permission denied (13)

    Can you please visit our website and give me a solution?


    comment, the lines that show which piece of text as flowed: (in the ./odlinks/odl_control.php or top of any files)

    //ini_set(‘display_errors’, ‘1’);

    or change error_reporting(0) to ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0);

  17. The subcategories in the latest wordpress dont seem to wanna update.  you change the value to say 6 instead of 10 and it still displays every subcategory for each category.  anyway to fix this so we dont hav a ovecluttered page.

    sorry, I will check and try to fix it in the next coming week.

  18. Is there a way for the directory to be populated through the back end? Can links be added by the administrator without having to do the captcha every time, and resubmit my email address?

    Yes sir, a good idea. Great. I will fix it.

  19. I can’t get the thumbnail previews to show up in Safari and Chrome, but they show up in FireFox. They will display in the footer when you mouse over the camera, but they do not show up next to the title and description of the website while using Safari and Chome.

    Any ideas? They seem to work fine on this site in all browsers. 

    thank you for your bug report ;)
    I will check it and fix as soon as I can
    (this coming week end)

  20. When i try to use the search “Please choose a topic and Submit your Site” it says: 

    Not Found
    Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.

    also, when i try to go to a category.

    How do i fix this? :)

  21. I have 2 days using ODlinks plugin on my site “suaragarutdotcom”. But now it was discovered there was a problem on my website after ODlinks install the plugin. Some I turned the page and post content to the content of ODlinks. How to cope?
    Hope can respond as soon as possible! Because ODlinks did manage to make me fall in love. But of course I also do not want to interfere with the content of my web ODLinks.
    Yours sound Editor Garut

    Could you please check your Apache error log or send me any error message.
    It can help me to understand what’s wrong.
    I can’t see the problem in my environment.

  22. I have a problem display recement Thumbshots

    I have already uploaded a new release 1.4.0-b
    Please download (Today 05.03.2013 about: 15:00 GMT)
    (contains some last minute fixes for admin interface)
    save your local changes and unzip the file and overwrite existing directories and files.

  23. I have had a few problems after the upgrade to ODLinks 1.4.0-b. and few couple suggestions…
    (some of these I have seen others post also)
    1 – the Thumbshots are not displaying  (they worked before – now broke!)
    2 – I tried several times to register with thumbshots, and never receive confirmation email.
    3 – I was not getting new links listed to approve – but this seems to be working now.
    4 – My smoothslider carousel is messed up on Links page. Captions cover pic, and fwd & back buttons are on sides of page. (smoothslider works fine on other pages – so must be a conflict with ODLinks)
    5 – I would really love to have an admin interface for import/export – and/or at least admin ability to add new links manually from back end, and not through public side. I really hope you will add this feature soon!Even if the import/export links via csv file was an upgrade feature – it would be nice!
    6 – Main ODLinks page template really needs a facelift. It should not simply state to submit links for SEO reasons & link exchanges… many sites actually use link directories as a resource for readers! I will probably try to make my own template soon, but the default one is pretty ugly (sorry).
    7 – Submit site link seems awkward to find, and has extra step. It should just be one link to submit new link – no reason to pick category first, when you get to choose it again anyway.
    I have searched extensively and tried many other directory plugins… ODLinks is the only one I have found that does exactly what I need… but it just needs a few bugs fixed!
    Thank you!

  24. I downloaded the latest version… now it says 1.4.0-c.
    I wish you label the version number in the file name – so I know which version I am getting.
    Also – (and I have this problem for years with this plugin, on all upgrades) – you should really stick to standard numbering system – and not use the letter at the end. When you add “-c” to replace “-b” WordPress thinks that you already have the latest version. By using alphabetic version number, it thinks “b” is newer then “c”. If you simply used “1.4.1”, then the WordPress system will alert & allow you to upgrade within WordPress.
    Now for the BIG problem. After I unzipped & uploaded 1.4.0-c, and checked my permissions… When I click on anything in the admin page I get:
    “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
    What is causing that??? I am getting that on 2 different web sites.
    Please Help!!!  :(

  25. Hello,
    Thanks for your great plugin. I use it for some days. My users use the french character “à”. This caracter is displayed like “?” on display. I tried to change “à” by the html value “&agrave” but the character is always the same repsresentation.
    Can you fix it ? Let me know. The URL using your plugin is http://www.passion-maquette-rallye.com/odlinks

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