WordPress Classifieds Plugin


With this plugin, you will be able to add a Classifieds Advertising for Personals, Auto or Business in to your wordpress blog.

Installing the plugin:

Please test the plugin with your theme on a develop machine or a local machine, if the test is successful install it on the production machine.
Click here to download the:
1) last release (classifieds Page in one column) or you may check out a working copy over HTTP.
svn checkout http://svn.wp-plugins.org/wp-classified/trunk/

2) Extract the zip files
3) Upload folder to your site (./wp-content/plugins/wp-classified)
Public Directory
You also have to create an a public directory under wp-content (the public folder must have write permission)
and create the following directories and chmod them to 777 (writable by the webserver.)

4) Login to the administration and go to “admin panel/plugins” and activate the plugin
5) Go to the “Manage” tab of your WP. You have now there a new tab called “WP-Classified Admin”.

6) Go into the Manage — wpClassified —
7) Click on “Add Category”
8) Categories are the MAIN sections of your classifieds. For example, Autos For Sale

9) Now that you have a category, click on “Add List” under the Add/Edit Categories menu.
10) Create a list and then choose its parent category.

Lists are your subsections on your classifieds. For example, “Trucks” would be a list whose parent category would be “Autos For Sale.”
Unless you create lists under your categories, you won’t see a thing on your classified page.

Configure the plugin

Make sure the folder images have the correct writing permissions.

You will need to make the following folders writeable (chmod 777) :

– wp-content/plugins/wp-classified/cache

Add a public directory and upload the images public resources (the public folder must have write permission)

– wp-content/public/wp-classified/

If you upgrade from 1.3 to 1.4 please move all public images  form the folder wp-content/plugins/wp-classified/images into the wp-content/public/wp-classified/

Uninstalling the plugin

For uninstalling deactivate the plugin in the WordPress admin menu and delete the wp-classified directory from the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and the page and tables, which are installed by the plugins with drop table in phpMyAdmin.


I create and tested on WordPress version 2.3.2 on default and unchanged Permalink structure.
The plugin works successfully with the latest version of wordpress 2.7.


wpClassified version 1.3


Upgrade Instructions

  1. Deactivate the plugin from your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Backup Database tables *_wpClassified_* and files.
  3. Upload the files to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder and overwrite the existing file.
  4. Activate the plugin from your WordPress admin panel.
  5. Please Note: in ‘Classified Options‘ page in admin interface, check that all the required fields are filled in and save!

Questions and Examples of Use

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why the main site gives me the 404 or Not Found error message

This is a .htaccess 404 error message and you should update your .htaccess file in the wordpress root directory.

Q: Who can I collapse the categories as default instead of expanded as default.

Open the file ./includes/main_tpl.php in your favorite text editor.
Edit line: ca. 34
update the ’showAll();’ to ‘hideAll();’
That’s all ;)

Q: I would like to put the last ads in my sidebar. is it possible?

Inside the wordpress admin ‘Design’ menu, ‘Widgets’ submenu, add the wpCalssifieds widget to your blog where you want, then save the changes.

To support Permalink structure:

Normally you should not edit the htaccess, the Permalink link will be detect by plugin automatically.
The htaccess is a way to add the category name to the url or display the post title in the blog url.

This is an example for .htaccess file to redirect to wpClassified for the people who use ‘ /%category%/%postname%/’ as permalink structure
Please open the .htaccess file in the wordpress root folder in your favorite editor and look for line

RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

and replace it with:

#RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
RewriteRule !^(classified)/ /index.php [L]
RewriteRule ^classified/([^/\(\)]*)/?  /index.php?pagename=classified [QSA,L,R,NS]

May be by using  the ‘/%postname%’ or ‘/%category%/%postname%/’ as permalink structure the plugin must work correctly and you do not need change anything.

Q: Warning: imageftbbox() [function.imageftbbox]: Could not read font?

Enable the GD and FreeType Support in php configuration or unselect the ‘Show the confirmation code’ check box  in admin interface

Some words about permission:
if the people post as anonymous, they are identify by their IP address.
Is the IP address a dynamical address, then they get lost after a while and their edit permission.


Changes 1.4 – January 17/01/2009
– January 18/01/2009 fix for Internet Explorer and xampp

– fixed for plugin auto-upgrade
Note: This bugfix release hove to install Manually.
– fixed for the plugin auto-upgrade. (must test with the next coming version)
– moved directories public resources to wp-content

Changes 1.3.1-b – February 09/02/2009
– modify to approve posts before they are published
– fixed the problem with re-size of thumbs images

Changes 1.3.1-a – January 25/01/2009
– update to cover changes between WP-Version  2.6 and 2.7
– fixed the widget control

Changes 1.3.0-a – October 13/10/2008
– Modify to expanded and collapses the Categories
– Modify to show the last post in footer

Changes in 1.3 – September 10/2008
– Update to display-style classified ads in one column
– Added the ad images viewer
– Allowed more images per ad
– All the pages using templates
– Added style sheet for page layout


– comments on individual listings/ads?
– implement the paid service and pay pal options?
– preventing the Bad languages


    • wpclassified@forgani.com


    (Please include wpclassified in the subject of your email.)

176 Comments on “WordPress Classifieds Plugin

  1. The plugin worked with the last 4 versions and each time it was upgraded with the automatic upgrade option within wordpress when prompted a new version was available. This time I’ve manually upgraded to the version you release today and I’m still having issues. I can now create a post but they do not display. I received an email indicating “New classified post on your site” and “There are currently test ad Ad(s) in List(s) Awaiting Review Review All Ads“. However, there does not appear to be any way to review and approve the new ads as they do not display in the list nor the admin interface

  2. Hi all,
    now it’s time to update the plugin appearance and to implement/improve the style sheet and template to have the option for you to make changes on your own style.

  3. Hi Jung-Su,

    I’m brazilian and localized wpclassified for Brazilian Portuguese. How can I send you the pt_BR file?

    I have some other questions about the l18n and l10n:
    – My wp-config.php is setup to pt_BR and the plugin doesn’t get its strings;

    – I moved pt_BR.php file to en.php and not all strings are working in portuguese. Do you know what can be happening?

    – Can I help with some work on plugin’s internationalization?

  4. Ok.
    Today ’14 Oct’ I uploaded a new release which contain some bug fixes.
    and update the send mail method and fixed if for the user, who have the problem with send mail.

    Some words about permission:
    if the people post as anonymous, they are identify by their IP address.
    Is the IP address a dynamical address, then they loose their edit permission.
    If they are registered users and the problem still exist in general then it was be a bug.
    and now I fixed it.

    @Leo: Check it out now!
    @Eric Lim: Call to undefined function: imageftbbox():
    Enable the GD and FreeType Support in php.
    or unselect the ‘Show the confirmation code’ in admin interface
    @BGR: nice website. it work from my side.
    Is it possible for you to use 1.3 version?

  5. Hi Alan, Thanks for your interest.
    For a long time, I am trying to find out what are the causes of this problem.
    Very helpful information. Thanks ;-)
    And for all people, who do not use category picture please edit the wpClassified.css in the directory
    Line: 146
    and modify the ‘padding-left: 130px;’ to ‘padding-left: 10px;’
    .wpc_main {
    padding: 1px;
    /*padding-left: 130px;*/
    padding-left: 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;
    border-spacing: 0px;
    I think it looks a lot better.

  6. Hi Robert, to fix the problem please edit the file “wp-content/plugins/wp-classified/includes/wpClassified.css”
    Line: 44 und remove the ‘clear:both;’
    .wpc_container {
    border: 1px solid #c5b2b;
    padding: 8px 2px 2px 3px;

  7. Hi, Jung-Su thanks for your tip, but it doesnt works. in IE the design will broken, in FF i can see no change.
    I’m affraid of that is a problem im my wordpresstheme -cordoba- but i didnt find it.

    any other ideas??

    Regards Robert

  8. @Thomas, please install the version 1.3 and check if  the problem already exists.
    You can also check the apache error log and give me a feedback. Thanks

  9. @Lee, with the release 1.3.0-e you can place the last ads history on the sidebar as a widget.
    1- Go to ‘WP-Admin -> Design -> Widgets’.
    2- You can add the wpClassified Widget by clicking on the ‘Add’ link besides it.
    3- After adding, you can configure the wpClassified Widget by clicking on the ‘Edit’ link besides it.
    4- Click ‘Save Changes’.

  10. please take a look at my page why is the look in IE destroyed and in FF or Safari ca show the site right ?

    Please help

    Thanks Robert

  11. When I try to add a new add a new listing (as a user), it tells me to register or login.

    Even after registering and logging in,  I still get told I need to register or login to add a new listing.

    Any help on that?

  12. @Buster, Please download plugin and install it again and check if the problem already exits.
    Yesterday the upload release 1.3.0-f was not complete and break my connection to the svn server.

  13. This is such an awesome plugin and I am grateful for the Author for the hard work that obviously went in providing this. I unfortunately am not able to use it because the CAPTCHA will not work. (Previous Post) so I have had to delete it from my site. Hopefully there will be upgrades in the future where this problem will not exist. Again my thanks to the programmer for this plugin and I will be looking for a usable version in the future.
    Thanks Again,

  14. @tom
    This plugin check the IP addresses. If this get the same IP address as you posted then you become permission to Edit/Delete your posts.
    furthermore  the moderators and admins have permission to edit/delete all ads.

  15. I had problem when deleting an ad. It did only clear the content but not subject. I had to go the database and remove the line of wpClassifieds_ads_subject. Is it a known bug?

    I also like the 5 latest ads sidebar widget, is it possible to get it with in between the 5 different posts. It kinda crowded as is. A link to the photo would perfect the sidebar widget :)


  16. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I was busy with something else at the time.
    I collected the critical comments and reports since last two weeks.
    I have begun implementing the known issues.

    Brian, The version 1.3.1 is available on Monday cliff, The MySQL database error is a warrning. By the way I have already fixed it. (I used to oracle, sorry)

    Elena, The widget issus is fixed in the new version (1.3.1)
    MarcusJ, the structure of classified database does not allow more than one category. but this category can contain unlimited lists.

    The desabling of wysiwyg editor is alerday existing in general setting.

    – disable expiration date
    – deactivate the images in the header

    – approved ads before publishing

  17. Hi, I’ve upgraded to 1.3.1a but still need to delete a category and also cannot seem to implement the thumbnail width from within Settings & Options. Any ideas?


  18. @steve,

    Delete the categorie and lists done right now. Please update admin.php and wpClassified.php from cvs or install the plugin again.

    sorry i forget to implement the delete categories.
    I will do it tomorrow.

  19. Hi – I dont remember how to set up the classified page and I don’t find this information anywhere.
    use –>  [[WP_CLASSIFIED]]


    To set up the classified page:
    WP Amin interface
    General Settings:Classifeds Page Details
    Classifieds Page Link Name: <EDIT HERE>

  20. Findin include/_function.php

     $_POST[‘wpClassified_data’][subject] = preg_replace(“/(\<)(.*?)(\>)/mi”, “”, $_POST[‘wpClassified_data’][subject]);
      if (!checkInput($_POST[‘wpClassified_data’][subject])){
       $msg = $lang[‘_INVALIDTITLE’];
       $addPost = false;


    $addPost = false;

    To fix
    The Title should contain only letters and numbers and not more than about 30 letters long

  21. find

    $link_del = get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’).”?page_id=”.$pageinfo[“ID”].”&_action=da&lid=”.$_GET[‘lid’].”&asid=”.$_GET[‘asid’];

    in include/_function.php

    add after

      $sql = “SELECT * FROM {$table_prefix}wpClassified_ads WHERE ads_ads_subjects_id ='”.((int)$_GET[‘asid’]).”‘ “;
      $sql_result = mysql_query($sql );
      $data = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result );
      $pic = $data[‘image_file’];
        $dir = ABSPATH.”/wp-content/plugins/wp-classified/images/”;
            $delpic = $dir.””.$pic.””;

    to delete images after delete ads

  22. hi admin :) this time i got new problem in widget … maybe  :O

    somtime the title of widget  (Last Classifieds Ads) is disappear !
    after i added to my sidebar 
    because i’am adding Classifieds description ? :O ( before )

    and i remove/add  Classifieds widget ( default value is Last Classifieds Ads, if  edit is no problem )

    after that i can’t doing anything in Classifieds such as  Search,post ads,edit ads
    it aways goes blank page. So i trying to remove  wp_Classifieds_xx all database of Classifieds
    and restore it

    .. it worked !

    i don’t know what’s happen :(


  23. WP 2.7   with   1.3.1-a

    If I may make a suggestion: The permissions instructions should indicate that the permissions need to be set before activation.
    Is the ip address used to identify a poster wishing to edit their post after they’ve logged off? On my installation I’m able to edit my posts even though I am not logged in.
    Thank you,


  24. The guests/users will be identified by the IP-addresses of the computer they used, when they posted their ads.
    And so they get the permission to edit their posts.
  25. Hi – tried that but to no visible effect. Any other ideas?

    Yes, sure
    Edit wpClassified.css and add the following to the top of the file


    to completely remove all table borders.

    And in line 153
    .wpc_main {
    remove the background-color or change the color
    background-color: #f4f1ee;
    It will look better

  26. Perfect! That did the trick :o)
    Any ideas on how to remove the category I created , then deleted the name but still appears? Would imagine I have to remove a row in the WP db table but not sure which one?

    download the latest version and rewrite the files.
    I implemented the code for remove categories and lists for one week ago.

    don’t rewrite wpclassified.css stylesheet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Hello,
    Can anyone let me know how to add the last 5 ads section on wordpress homepage.
    What are codes for it?

    file: /includes/_functions.php
    function: get_last_ads($format) { (line 762)
    see the list of Available Widgets in your Admin Dashboard click the Appearance

  28. Hi I am getting database error,
    WordPress database error Table ‘wp27.wp_wpclassified_categories’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_wpClassified_categories ORDER BY position ASC made by do_action, call_user_func_array, adm_structure_process
    WordPress database error Table ‘wp27.wp_wpclassified_lists’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_wpClassified_lists ORDER BY position ASC made by do_action, call_user_func_array, adm_structure_process

    It tells you that the plugin is not correctly installed.

  29. Hi,
    Is there any way to use CHMOD 755, as 777 is a massive security risk? And does the plugin mess with the .htaccess file at all on installation?
    The programs like WordPress are a hackers paradise. be cool ;)

  30. Hallo @ll, 
    I upload a new release of plugin to svn.  1.3.1-b
    Added a new option for “approve before publish” to the plugin settings site and two new item to language files.
    Please install or rewrite the scripts and update settings.

    Do not rewrite the stylesheet file or language file , if you have changed them.

    For some users, they become problem with the insert media may be is now fixed.
    And fixed the problem with re-size of thumbs images

  31. I’m using the wpclassified in my site, but it’s not work, in the category links its not request the id of pages, how i can fix it ?

    Something is wrong with the page id. (The page id is missing)
    Please uninstall it, remove the complete plugin and install again.
    if is possible install on a develop machine or a local machine and if the test is successful install it on production server

  32. Hi, is it possible to know which files you modified from 3.1.1-a to 3.1.1-b?? I translated the whole plugin into Spanish and if I upgrade by replacing the files, I will lose my translation…

    And two new item from language file (end of file).

    By the way if you have not problem with the previous version then you do not need to update files.

  33. Great Plug in Thanks! Can you please add a functionality to increase the font size & font type in your next update. That would be really nice.

    You can edit the stylesheet file ‘wpClassified.css’ to change text colors etc.

  34. Dave, remove/delete lines 142, 143,144 from includes/_functions.php.
    These are parameter for the template, comming in the next version so as far as i understand

  35. Hi icesnake ; )
    Ich denke Du hast den Post title nach etwas anders als ”[[WP_CLASSIFIED]]’ umbenannt.
    Das Umbenennen kann man in admin Interface machen.
    Falls nicht geändert hast oder willst Du so lassen wie jetzt ist, dann mach folgendes:
    Editiere die function get_wpClassified_pageinfo in Datei settings.php Zeile 58

    und kommentiere die gesamte function get_wpClassified_pageinfo wie folgt
    function get_wpClassified_pageinfo(){
    global $wpdb, $wpc_page_info, $table_prefix;
    if ($wpc_page_info == false){
    $wpc_page_info = $wpdb->get_row(“SELECT * FROM {$table_prefix}posts
    WHERE post_title = ‘[[WP_CLASSIFIED]]'”, ARRAY_A);
    if ($wpc_page_info[“post_title”]!=”[[WP_CLASSIFIED]]”){
    return false;
    return $wpc_page_info;

    und ersetze mit folgendes:
    function get_wpClassified_pageinfo(){
    global $wpdb, $wpc_page_info, $table_prefix;
    return 42;

    Das warst und ich hoffe klappt es.

  36. hi, again.
    I saw another problem – when I type something in my search box – no results appear – “No posts matched your search terms.” I use words that are already existing as a real ads… and don’t understand why this is happening.

    I’ve tried the same thing on your demo page : http://www.forgani.com/classified/
    and the problem is there, too.

    Any hints how to fix this ? :)
    PS: the website is here : http://NaOferta.com/

  37. admin please remove all sitemile AD, basically sitemile is just pirated of wpglamour  and claim is their own project …..
    Please don’t buy or support Digital THEFT.
    Sitemile = THEFT.

  38. Hi,
    Looks like a great script. Some features I’d like to see in future releases are:
    -Several pics per add
    -Automatic resizing of pics when they are uploaded.

    BTW, I’d like to translate the script,  is there a ready .po file somewhere?

  39. Hi there,

    Awesome plugin! Thank you.

    Just wondering, is there a way to make the link in the “Website URL” field active after an ad has been placed?


  40. Excellent plugin – though I am having a display issue in FireFox where there is a lot of blank space on a category page to the listing.  The listing is showing up all of the way at the bottom of the page making it look as if there is no ad placed for a particular category.  Here is an example URL:  http://theamericastop.com/classified/?_action=vl&lid=12

    Please remove all ‘ clear:both; ‘ form wpclassified.css style sheet file in ./css directory and the site will look well.

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